Safe Streets: Golden Gate School Zone Initiative
Community Plan
Our Mission
We envision a community where all pedestrians feel safe to walk about the neighborhood. In collaboration with neighbors, the school community, City of Oakland staff and other supporting allies, we seek to develop and implement safety strategies for students, school community and neighborhood residents in order to reduce the risk of injuries, accidents and death in our neighborhood streets. |
Community Stakeholders:
Who is Impacted?
Top Safety Concerns
2. Unsafe Intersection and Crosswalks at Herzog and Alcatraz
“I won't let mine cross the road, even with a crossing guard.”
- Yu Ming Parent |
"4,300 cars pass by on Alcatraz each day, making it a major thoroughfare for commuters and residents. The 85th percentile speed profile is 7 mph over the posted speed limit of 25 mph."
- Family Friendly Oakland Summary from City of Berkeley Report |
3. A lot of Speeding Cars on Alcatraz
“The high volume of cars traveling on Alcatraz near San Pablo and the speed at which these cars travel makes this incredibly unsafe for the school children and families that need to cross this street multiple times each day Mon-Fri. Something has to be done by Oakland Public Works before someone is injured.” - See Click Fix comment |
Secondary Neighborhood Safety Issues
Suggested Engineering Solutions
Florida-based artist Cecilia Lueza creates vibrant public art, using playful color in crosswalks.
Non-Engineering Suggestions
- Make sure City of Oakland knows about Yu Ming’s two sites when updating pedestrian master plan. Current plan does not include either school site, even though they have always been a school
- Update written pick-up and drop off guidance for parents (In Progress)
- Engage teachers and students using bi-lingual pedestrian safety curriculum (In Progress)
- Identify priority traffic issues/solutions for Berkeley Aspire Maynard, Herzog YM campus, Rec Center and Seniors
- Develop and share parent training and guidelines for traffic safety
- More Tactical Urbanist strategies (use own cones, sidewalk chalk)
- Yellow safety vest for crossing guard
- Request crossing guard from OPD
- Have signed written safety agreement with parents and remind constantly
- Train teachers or other parents to help with enforcement
- Reach out to staff at Golden Gate Rec Center
- Reach out to City of Berkeley to better understand their traffic calming programs and criteria
What has been done?
- Shared YouTube safety videos with parent community
- Researched Berkeley improvements on Alcatraz and wrote Family Friendly Oakland blog:
- Trained YM school staff as crossing guard
- Discussed with Rob Prinz, BPAC, and attended public meeting
- Joined County Safe Routes to School program and had discussions with TransForm regarding possible solutions and strategies
- Learned from Longfellow and Santa Fe Plan
- Reviewed 2002 Oakland Pedestrian Plan (Yu Ming 2 sites were excluded from study)
- Met with Yu Ming and Berkley Maynard leadership, City of Oakland and community advocates to present this plan, observe and discuss next steps. Four Yu Ming students shared their experiences.
- Discussed with neighbors at NCPC meeting, Fall 2016
- Collected feedback on See-Click-Fix ticket -
- Encouraged City to include “playful infrastructure” in new OakDOT strategy to promote a more playful Oakland via #PlayOakland Campaign
- Engaged parents and students in campaign by inviting to share stories and comments, and participate in planning and strategy development
- Discussed with teachers and older students and incorporated a letter writing campaign into curriculum
- Invited Berkley Aspire Maynard to collaborate with us on neighborhood safety
- Some new paint at existing crosswalks
- Some signs repaired
- Traffic studies completed on Alcatraz, by City of Berkeley:
Site Map
(1) Yu Ming Alcatraz campus (Alcatraz and Herzog)
(2) Yu Ming Herzog campus, (Herzog and 63rd)
(3) Aspire Berkley Maynard, K-8, (63rd St and Herzog)
(A) Golden Gate Rec Center and fields (62nd and Herzog)
(B) Percy Abrams, Jr Senior Housing (Alcatraz and Salem)
(2) Yu Ming Herzog campus, (Herzog and 63rd)
(3) Aspire Berkley Maynard, K-8, (63rd St and Herzog)
(A) Golden Gate Rec Center and fields (62nd and Herzog)
(B) Percy Abrams, Jr Senior Housing (Alcatraz and Salem)
- Yu Ming School Pickup and Drop Off Procedures
- Oakland Pedestrian Master Plan (2002)
- Oakland Department of Transportation Strategic Plan
- Austin's polka dotted intersection
- Tactical Urbanism Guide
- Seattle Painted Crosswalks Program
- Alameda County Saferoutes to Schools Program
- International Walk and Roll to School Program
- Safe Routes to Schools Program
- School Crossing Guard Guidelines
- Berkeley - Unit Costs of Alcatraz improvements
- Summary of Traffic calming programs (Does Oakland have one?)